About Lori Dimont

Lori Dimont, a California native, started painting as a child. For many years, she worked in oil and explored that medium, but after moving to Seattle and then Maryland, she traded in her oils for watercolor paints, relishing the freedom that watercolors gave her to paint anytime, anywhere.

Now back living in Southern California, Lori continues to use her gifts to share the beauty she finds wherever she is — three flower stems, a lighthouse, an old wooden fence. And she has expanded her work to include photography and collage. (Many of her pieces on the site are created from her own photographs.)

Lori has studied with Erica Walsh, Hisako Asano, Andrew Geeson, Teresa Venturo, and Jean Haines, and continues to deepen her knowledge and enhance her techniques through online courses.

Her artwork has been shown on both coasts, and is in private collections across the country.

When not painting or taking photos, Lori can be found reading, walking in nature, or enjoying time with her family and grandchildren, who have inspired many pieces of her artwork over the years.